Public Keys

In elliptic curve cryptography, public keys are derived from private keys. Therefore, in order to obtain a public key, one must start with a private key.

If you look at the source code of the PublicKey class, you will notice that it is a thin wrapper that proxies method calls into an ECKey() instance. This is to provide a typed representation of the notion of a public key, which really only exists as a point on the elliptic curve otherwise.

class intent
PublicKey A simple wrapper around an ECKey, acting as a typed representation
ECKey Represents an elliptic curve public and (optionally) private key

Obtaining a public key

import org.twostack.bitcoin4j.ECKey
import org.twostack.bitcoin4j.PublicKey

//creates random private key and public keys (generates random point on elliptic curve)
val ecKey = ECKey()

//create a PublicKey to wrap the ECKey
val publicKey = PublicKey(ecKey)

Utility methods

Public keys have to participate in several functions within the library. The utility methods provide us with easy means of obtaining the use-case specific representation of a public key.

import org.twostack.bitcoin4j.ECKey

//creates random private key and public keys (generates random point on elliptic curve)
val ecKey = ECKey()

//create a PublicKey to wrap the ECKey
val publicKey = PublicKey(ecKey)

//obtain the hash calculated as RIPEMD160(SHA256(pubKeyBytes))
val pubkeyHash: ByteArray = publicKey.getPubKeyHash()

//obtain the byte buffer of the public key
val buffer: ByteArray = publicKey.getPubKeyBytes()

//obtain a hexadecimal string of the pubKeyBytes
val pubkeyHex : String = publicKey.getPubKeyHex()
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