We built Open Source libraries for both Java and Dart/Flutter, along with detailed tutorials and a developer guide to help you with building the next generation of bitcoin-enabled cross-platform applications.
Validate, construct, parse and manipulate bitcoin transactions with this library that integrates with your favourite JVM-based language. Build bitcoin-enabled applications using Java, Kotlin, Scala, Clojure etc.
A library for "ubiquitous computing". Build cross-platform bitcoin applications that work on Mobile, Desktop and server-side. Take advantage of the fluid semantics of our Transaction Builder to easily verify, construct and manipulate bitcoin transactions.
Build a deeper understanding of the Bitcoin Internals. Learn about the structure, architecture and higher-level abstractions that exist within the bitcoin system.
Get practical, hands-on tutorials along with source code published on Github. Our short tutorials are solution-oriented and address specific tools, techniques and bitcoin data structures.
Catch up regularly on editorials, opinion-pieces and goings-on within the blockchain industry.